Door Lock Cylinder Clip

Part Number: S08472315
Supersession(s): S084-72-315

Clip. Cylinder. Keys. Amplifier.
Door Lock Cylinder Clip. and. Door Lock. Included with: Cylinder & Keys, Cylinder and Keys.

Door Lock Cylinder ClipDoor Lock Rod Clip

Fits 5, 6, CX-7, CX-9

1 person has looked at this part recently
Diagram FRONT DOOR. LOCK & HARDWARE. for your 1989 Mazda 626
Required: 1
Bronze. Smoke stone. W/ANTI theft. W/O anti theft. W/O start button. W/START button.
Cyl & keys clip.
Diagram FRONT DOOR. LOCK & HARDWARE. for your 1989 Mazda 626
Required: 1
#1. #2. Alumnium met. Brilliant blk. Chrome. Radiant ebony. Sand. Sparkling blk. W/ANTI theft. W/BODY color. W/BRIGHT finish. W/O anti theft. W/O smart keyless. W/SMART keyless.
Cyl & keys clip.
Diagram FRONT DOOR. LOCK & HARDWARE. for your 1989 Mazda 626
Required: 1
Dark cherry. Dark steel. Ebony. Gold ash. Light tundra. Smoke stone. Titanium. W/ANTI theft. W/KEYLESS entry. W/MAZDASPEED6. W/O anti theft. W/O keyless entry. W/O MAZDASPEED6. Yellow.
Cyl & keys clip. Front.
Diagram FRONT DOOR. LOCK & HARDWARE. for your 1989 Mazda 626
Required: 1
ALL. Aluminum. Alumnium. Brilliant blk. Sand. Sparkling blk. To body. To door. W/ANTI theft. W/BODY color. W/CHROME. W/O anti theft. W/O smart key. W/SMART key.
Cyl & keys clip. Front Left. Left.
Diagram FRONT DOOR. LOCK & HARDWARE. for your 1989 Mazda 626
Required: 1
Aluminum met. Brilliant blk. Chrome. Radiant ebony. Sparkling blk. W/ANTI theft. W/BODY color. W/BRIGHT finish. W/O anti theft. W/O smart keyless. W/SMART keyless.
Cyl & keys clip.
Diagram Front door. Lock & hardware. for your 1989 Mazda 626
Required: 1
Aluminum metallic. Left door only. Lower. To door. To pillar. Upper.
Cyl & keys clip. Left.

Your Price

$ 3.42

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